On September 18, 2023, Rural Development’s Office of Multifamily Housing sent out the following information:

Rural Housing Service (RHS) Office of Multifamily Housing (MFH) published a proposed rule on Tuesday, September 12, 2023 (Federal Register /Vol. 88, No. 175) to amend the current regulation for the MFH Off-Farm Labor Housing (Off-FLH) Program. This proposed rule will add clarifying language to 7 CFR 3560.566, Off-Farm Labor Housing, Loan and Grant Rates and Terms.

The proposed rule will update 7 CFR 3560.566, Loan and grant rates and terms, by clarifying the Off-FLH grant agreement term and adopting the period of performance in the grant agreement, as required by the Federal award information requirements outlined in 2 CFR 200.211.

As required by 2 CFR 200.211, the Agency must include the period of performance of the Federal award that has been given in the grant agreement. Therefore, the changes in this proposed rulemaking will further clarify the term of the grant agreement in 7 CFR 3560.566(c) and include a 5-year fixed period of performance in 7CFR 3560.566(d).

Comments on the Proposed Rule may be submitted to the Agency via the Federal eRulemaking Portal as outlined in the Federal Register Proposed Rule. The comment period for the proposed rule will end on November 13, 2023.

If implemented, the regulation will read as follows:

  • 3560.566 (c) Term of grant agreement. The grant agreement will remain in effect for as long as there is a need for the housing, as determined by the Agency.
  • 3560.566 (d) Grant Period of Performance. The grant period of performance is five (5) years, which starts on the date the grant agreement is executed by both the Agency and the grantee and ends five (5) years from the date the grant agreement was executed by both the Agency and the grantee.

Questions or requests for clarification may be directed to the MFH Program Support Branch at MFH.ProgramSupport@usda.gov.

To submit or view public comments, please visit the Federal eRulemaking Portal at http://www.regulations.gov.

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